jueves, 14 de julio de 2011

Expresiones de existencia (there is, there was, there are, there were)

EXPRESIONES DE EXISTENCIA (There is, there was, there are, there were)
There is (der is): hay (forma singular).
There are (der ar): hay (forma plural).
There was (der wuós): hubo, había (singular).
There were (der wuér): hubo, había (plural).
There will be (der wuíl bi): habrá (singular y plural).
There is a tasty cake there.
(der is e téisti kéik der)
*Hay un apetitoso bizcocho ahí (allí, allá). *Is there a tasty cake there? (is der e téisti kéik der)
*¿Hay un apetitoso bizcocho ahí?
*Yes, there is a tasty cake there.
*Yes, there is.
*No, there is not.
*No, there is not a tasty cake there.

There are two parrots shouting.
(der ar tu párots sháuting)
*Hay dos loros gritando.
*Are there two parrots shouting?
(ar der tu párots sháuting)
*¿Hay dos loros gritando?
*Yes, there are two parrots shouting.
*Yes, there are.
*No, there are not.
*No, there are not two parrots shouting.
There was an accident last night.
(der wuós an áksident last náit)
*Hubo un accidente anoche.
*Was there an accident last night?
(wuós der an áksident last náit)
*¿Hubo un accidente anoche?
*Yes, there was an accident last night.
*Yes, there was.
*No, there was not.
*No, there was not an accident last night.
There were three nice houses on that corner.
(der wuér zríi náis jáusis on dat córner)
*Había tres lindas casas en esa esquina.
*Were there three nice houses on that corner?
(wuér der zríi náis jáusis on dat córner)
*¿Había tres lindas casas en esa esquina?
*Yes, there were three nice houses on that corner.
*Yes, there were.
*No, there were not.
*No, there were not three nice houses on that corner.
There will be a party next week.
[der wuíl bi e párti (pári) neks wuík]
*Habrá una fiesta la próxima semana.
*Will there be a party next week?
[wuíl der bi e párti (pári) neks wuík]
*¿Habrá una fiesta la próxima semana?
*Yes, there will be a party next week.
*Yes, there will.
*No, there will not.
*No, there will not be a party next week.

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